Group picture captured in October 2024
*Not Pictured*: Malki P, Paul G, Emily W
Postdoc Annie, Three Grad students – Rajesh, Vaishali and Fernanda presented oral talks in SERMACS 2024 conference in Atlanta, Georgia

June 2024: Naira successfully defended her Master’s thesis! Welcome to our second Master’s graduate! We are very proud!

May 2024: Ryan defended his Doctoral dissertation! Our third Ph.D. alumni! We are very proud!

17-21 March 2024: National American Chemical Society Conference week! Our 5 graduate students and 2 undergraduate students presented their work in New Orleans! Great connections were made too!

February 2024: Daniel defended his Doctoral thesis! Welcome to our second Ph.D. graduate; very proud! Several days later, we went to celebrate it!

August 2023: Kennedi presented her work on the summer undergraduate poster presentation! Very proud of her!

May 2023: Jaylan defended her Doctoral thesis! She is our first Ph.D. graduate, very proud! Later that day we went to celebrate it!

Two of our undergraduate researchers, Nicole and Shelby, graduated from Mississippi State University!

Will presented his poster at the Undergraduate Research Symposium Spring 2023

February 2023: Dr. Creutz was awarded the NSF Career Award!!!
Group as of May 2022

February 2023: Dani won the Best Graduate Oral Presentation Award at the 2023 Mississippi Academy of Sciences Conference last month!

December 7th, 2022: Tom successfully defended his Master’s thesis, putting him on track to be the group’s first MS graduate! We also went out for a group lunch to celebrate his and David’s last day.

August 2022: Daniel, Ryan, Daniela, and Jaylan all gave talks at the ACS National Meeting in Chicago!

July 2022: Jaylan won a Pfizer Travel Award for the Fall 2022 ACS National Meeting! See announcement here: . She presented a poster during the ACS meeting at a special award symposium.

August 2022: Daniel and Omri’s paper about chalcogenide perovskite nanocrystals has been accepted:
August 10, 2022: Daniela and Jaylan’s paper is accepted! See
Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, August 2022
Several undergrads presented research posters at the MSU Undergrad Research Symposium: Annaleena Hansen (REU student, mentor: Tom Boggess); Kaylee Clavo (mentor: Sid Creutz); Omri Parks (mentor: Ryan Gaynor). Well done and congrats to all!
LAGRS symposium, May 2022

Group Picnic May 2022
At the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge. Thanks to everyone for coming!

Spring 2022 Chemistry Awards Banquet
Congratulations to lab members Shelby Lindsey, Nicole Ingram, and Baylee McIntyre, and Jennifer Greer who all won awards!
SERMACS Fall 2021
Multiple lab members presented posters and talks at the Fall 2021 Southeastern Region Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Birmingham, AL.
Jaylan, Mu, and Ryan gave talks about their research. Baylee and Omri presented research posters. Congratulations to all!

8/4/2021: Undergrad Research Symposium
Brian and Shelby presented their undergrad research at the MS State Undergraduate Research Symposium!
8/1/2021: The group has been awarded an R15 AREA grant from the National Institutes of Health to pursue our research on bioinorganic manganese chemistry!
6/2021: Daniel’s paper on barium titanium sulfide nanorods is published in Chemistry of Materials!
Read it here:
10/2020: Jaylan and Zoe’s paper on iron complexes of redox-active pyrazine-based pincer ligands is published in Inorganic Chemistry!
Read it here:
5/2020: Funded by the NSF!
Our work on the synthesis of new nanomaterials has been selected for support by the NSF Division of Materials Research, Solid-State and Materials Chemistry program, for two years!

2/20/2020: Mississippi Academy of Sciences Poster Presentations
Ryan and Jaylan presented posters on their research at the Mississippi Academy of Sciences annual meeting in Biloxi. The first public presentation of our group’s work–well done!
10/2019: COBRE Pilot Project Grant Awarded
We have been selected to receive a pilot project grant from MSU’s NIH-COBRE Center on Pathogen-Host Interactions! This will support us for a year of preliminary studies on biomimetic manganese complexes relevant to the host-pathogen interactions and immunity.

10/13/2019: Our new glovebox was delivered and hoisted up to the 3rd floor!
Soon, all our major equipment (for now) will be up and running.

9/2019: Solvent purification system is delivered and hoisted up to the 3rd floor.
Unfortunately, it didn’t quite fit in the window. So we brought it back down, unboxed it, and (barely) fit it into the elevator.
The lab officially opens 7/1/2019!
We are recruiting undergraduate and graduate students, and looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join the group. See the Group Members page for more info. See announcement on the Chemistry Department web page: